Intelligent waste management (IWM)
Decontamination of soil and groundwater
Technology of biodegradation of organic pollutant NEL (non-aromatic hydrocarbons) and PAU (poly-aromatic hydrocarbons) in soil and groundwater with own know-how technology- “microbiological consortium BioDeg-F”
It involves remediation of soil by in-situ biodegradation- directed to the completion of cleaning of the saturated zone contaminated by biologically decomposable contaminants
Ex-situ biodegradation- which represents biochemical degradation of contaminants in the case of shallow waste banks or in-accessible sources of contamination or in the case of less leachy and heterogeneous environments
Influent pollution concentration
poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) max 30 000 mg. kg-1
mineral hydrocarbons, aliphatic max. 500 000 mg . kg-1
Effluent concentration
poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) max 50-640
mineral hydrocarbons, aliphatic reached concentrations are max. 100 mg. kg-1
application of oxidation agents on the basis of magnesium peroxide, which releases oxygen over an extended period into the rock environment
controlled alternation of anaerobic and aerobic conditions in the unsaturated zone for the purpose of biological degradation of chlorohydrocarbons
and PCB
application of humid acids for support of bio-degradation processes running in the soil
Ecocoal, s.r.o.
Vršovců 29 709 00
Ostrava-Mariánské Hory
Tel./fax: +420 596 616 600